Sometimes you feel that all day long you are just solving your children's problems and fights
And you always think, oh God, why do they keep fighting with each other????☹
If you are one of those who have suffered from the problems of sibling conflict in the family, then you are not alone, as most of the parents who have more than one child in the family complain of the same suffering.
what is the solution????
This workshop, is specially designed for you. It aims to understand the intensity of rivalry between siblings and explore the reasons behind their conflicts, in addition to providing you with some effective strategies to deal with them.
This workshop includes the following main topics
*Is competition and conflict between siblings normal?
*What are the main causes of sibling rivalry?
*Are the parents' fears of sibling rivalry justified?
*Wrong parenting methods that encourage sibling rivalry
*Effective strategies for dealing with sibling conflicts.
Certainly, because we appreciate the difficulty of getting you out of the house, we made an online workshop for you, and also at the time your children are in school, so that you can listen and benefit without anyone interrupting you and telling you, Mama........
We also made it easy for you to pay online via Zain Cash or bank transfer