Training program on organizing and managing meetings

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Training program on organizing and managing meetings

Number of training hours: 10 hours

Number of training days: two days

Date: 4/11-March-2023


Price: 50 dinars, not including the certified certificate

Target groups: Persons involved in various administrative activities related to official meetings in governmental and private agencies, civil society organizations, charitable and cooperative societies, and others.


Coach: Adel Lutfi Al-Badarneh and Ms. Hadeel Humaidan

The main points of the training program

1- Knowing the concept of meetings, their types and levels.

2- Identify the objectives of the meetings at the level of the organization.

3- Knowing the ways and means of preparing for meetings, implementing them, and following up on their results.

4- Meeting distractions.

5- The etiquette of attending official meetings.

6- Tools for the success of meetings in order to achieve their objectives.

7- Organizing and managing remote meetings.

8- Training participants on effective methods of organizing and managing meetings

Training methods:


• Training sessions and lectures.

• Open discussion sessions.

Practical exercises and applications.

 برنامج تدريبي حول  تنظيم وإدارة الاجتماعات